Vuelta a Castilla y Leon, stage 1

    • Filled in News in English 15 Апрель 2010 в 1:26, author: Alexei
    • Views: 10 222.

    Alberto Contador finished safely the first stage of the Tour of Castilla and Leon, in which Astana controlled the race to avoid surprises before the key day, next Friday. “It has been a very nervous stage because you know that this area is windy and it has made any nervousness”, said Alberto.

    At the finish, however, all ended as planned, with a sprint and no differences at overall. “The team has been very attentive at all times”, said Contador. “We've been ahead in case if there was some movement, but at the end we saved the day without problems”.

    The day threatened rain, but eventually the peloton was not wet. WWe've been very lucky”, said Alberto. "We got a lot of clothes at the start but we were lucky and we just wet a little”. He and the rest of the favorites have pass the day with no problems. “You see people in front, like Igor Anton, Machado, Menchov, and Mosquera, all very attentive, but on a day like today can not have conclusions”.

    Tomorrow might be different, but Contador thinks the key is the Morredero. “In this Tour you never know because there is usually wind, but certainly the stage to mark the race will be the Morredero”. While waiting, Contador tune their feelings, which yesterday were not extraordinary. “Today I have not gone with the pedal rithm that I like, but I came here very relaxed, thinking of the classics. I rested for four days and that might make today and tomorrow be a little less agile than usual”.

    Astana Cycling Team
    Communication Department

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