Christine Kahane: Privet from Vuelta a España!
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Hello my friends from Astanafans and cycling lovers,
We joined the Vuelta yesterday as it entered the province of Andalusia.
Like on the Giro d’Italia, the atmosphere on the Vuelta a España is cool and relaxed, nothing compared to the Tour de France stressful commercial aspect, and the Spanish are easygoing people. So the Vuelta is an enjoyable three-week race.In this period of the year, specially in Andalusia, it gets really very hot during the day, and the riders have a hard time fighting against the heat, and make sure they are sufficiently hydrated.
As I said above, we joined the Vuelta yesterday in Baza, departure of the 4th stage, and as soon as the riders were on their way, we followed the Astana bus all the way up to the Sierra Nevada main summit in Monachil, where we would witness, almost five hours later, a spectacular mountain-top finish.
We passed the beautiful city of Grenada, homeland of Spain’s most famous poet, Federico García Lorca, who was shot in 1936, in the first days of the (in)famous Spanish Civil war.
What a pleasure it is for us each time to see again our Astana team friends, and among the staff: mechanics José Gil Rodriguez and Javier Lopez, soigneurs Sergey Lavrenenko, Oscar Saturni, David Vargas, and Dmitriy Andryuchshenko, team doctor Marco Pallini, sports directors Guiseppe Martinelli and Guido Bontempi, and this time be introduced to Dr. Aidar Makhmetov, commercial director of Astana team, who kindly invited us to dinner with the team since we are sharing the same hotel for one overnight stop.
But the treat is spending some time with charming Blandine Roquelet, a girl who is always in a good mood, full of energy, and smiling. As you certainly know, Blandine, who drives one of the Astana team cars, had a crash at the beginning of the Giro which entailed a broken wrist with the necessity of wearing a plaster cast for several weeks. But she carried on driving the team car to the end of the Giro, and then she also did the Tour de France, and is now on the Vuelta, although her presence here was not in her original planning. But Blandine loves her job and is always ready for a new adventure, even is she has to shorten her personal holidays.
It’s a Spanish rider, Daniel Moreno, who won the Sierra Nevada arrival stage, a great joy for all the local Spanish supporters gathered in the little wintersport resort of Monachil, which is almost empty in the summer although the landscape and the view over the valley down below is breathtaking. French champion, the popular Sylvian Chavanel, now leads the general classification and wears the red jersey.
Although I’m not at all a chauvinist, I must admit I am very happy for Sylvian.
Astana’s Fredrik Kessiakoff is now in the top ten and the team leader. So it’s a good result for the day.Tomorrow, back to Malaga to help prepare the start of a new school year of our grand children.
So long dear friends of Astanafans, till next time!
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Comments 26 комментариев
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Thanks for the report Christine! Yes, Vuelta has special charm and brightness. Once again thanks that you don’t forget about astanafans.
после всего этого потока плохих новостей и негативных комментариев приятно просто посмотреть на команду. надеюсь они далеки от всех этих дрязг и имеют возможность сосредоточиться на гонке.
Приятно увидеть гонцов. и в горах таки не такое пекло.
Thanks a lot for the wave of positive))
Thank you very much!
Спасибо за репортаж! Это Конта что ли на фотке у мальчика в центре?
Thank you! Very interesting!
скорее это Тира. а репортаж отличный, спасибо!
да ну,это не Тира,мож Хуфре?
Джуфре можно по скулам узнать, это либо Тира, либо сам Конта, т.к. форма на гонцах прошлогодняя.
Ну это не Конта однозначно.
Голосуем… Я думаю, это Тира! По большинству голосов и определим кто на снимке!
Это Тира думаю я
Похоже на конту, но там в новой форме гонец поэтому это не он, Конте ездил еще с солнцем на груди
Гонец как раз в старой форме и скорее из сайта Астаны, это Конта!!!!
Тира конечно
Раз это точно не Конта,пусть будет Тира)
Хотя логично будет предположить что на фото гонец,принимающий участие на Вуэльте.Тогда это не Тира)
Я тоже подумал так, но потом увидел кажется Зейца слева )))
Как же я хочу оказаться, там на Вуэльте!
Да Конта это, Конта. Форма старая же. У меня есть эта открытка.
да Конта, не только по форме астаны, а также, по форме головы можно узнать.
Если это Конта, то мальчик который держит фотку смотрит вниз, потому что ему стыдно что Конта ушел из Астаны

Проще спросить у Кристин Кахан, кто же там на снимке!
Полностью согласен
Privet my friends,
Let me explain about the photos-cards the children are holding on the photo. The photos-cards were given to them by a member of the Astana staff but they are photos from last year team. I think Astana has no new photo of the riders this year.
This is the reason why the child in the middle is holding a photo of Alberto Contador. He is Spanish and we are in Spain where he is famous.
Poka. Kristina y Roger