• Filled in News in English 22 Октябрь 2014 в 3:45, author: Editor
    • Views: 29 481.

    Today, WADA accredited Kazakhstan National Anti-doping Center and Kazakhstan Cycling Federation concludes Memorandum on cooperation in monitoring the use of prohibited substances (doping) by cyclists in accordance with the WADA Prohibited Lists. The Memorandum is signed by the Center Director Mrs. Maira BAKASHEVA and KCF Executive Director Mr. Dmitriy MURAVYEV.

    Dmitriy MURAVYEV, KCF Executive Director said: "The importance of this document is difficult to overestimate. The Memorandum is a significant part of anti-doping program, which we have been developing in recent months in cooperation with the Center's specialists and international experts. The program is aimed at preventing the use of banned drugs (doping) listed by WADA.
    In 2015, we will introduce the world’s most advanced anti-doping system in Kazakhstan, together with the National Anti-Doping Center, which laboratory is equipped with the latest technology, and with the support of international experts.
    Large-scale drug testing of riders of all ages, biometric passports, seminars are just a part of the long-term strategic anti-doping program, and we are counting on the support of the sports community in its implementation.
    In the course of collaborative anti-doping campaign, the following measures are to be taken:

    • Implementation of the doping control over Kazakhstan sportsmen (cyclists), members of the «Continental Team Astana», «Vino 4ever», «Track Team Astana» and «Astana Pro Team» in the course of their stay in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Collection of test samples from leading sportsmen (cyclists) of all ages, members of state and national teams by disciplines (road, track, and mountain bike) throughout the duration of season.
    • Collaborative arranging of doping tests in the course of Republic competitions and other state scale and international competitions taking place in the territory of the country.
    • Organization of training workshops and lectures about doping harm involving heads of territorial specialized schools and boarding-schools, coaches and sportsmen etc., with the participation of KCF and KazNADC representatives.
    • Systematic conduct of testing of present condition of training personnel in the sphere of anti-doping rules theory and practice.
    • The widespread introduction of biometric passports among riders of all ages.

    Information (reference):
    The Kazakhstan National Anti-Doping Centre was established in 2013 on the demand and by initiatives of the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). It is officially accredited by this international organization. The centre has a laboratory, which is included into the system of anti-doping laboratories of WADA, equipped with the use of latest technologies. There are 32 anti-doping laboratories of the same level across the globe. The WADA accredited Central Asian Anti-Doping Centre (RADOCA) has also been launched at the premises of the Kazakhstan Anti-Doping Laboratory, which operates all over the Central Asian, in Iran, Pakistan and Mongolia.

    For any additional information you may require, please contact Mrs. Tatyana BENDZ
    + 7 777 330 41 31, tbendz@gmail.com KCF Press Secretary

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