Individual race: Vinokourov

    • Filled in News in English 30 Июль 2010 в 2:38, author: AAA
    • Views: 11 500.

    All racers started, only leaders remained.
    Sasha started warming up.

    Dmitry Sedoun rode the route overnight and was discussing the nuances with Vino.

    I supposed before that day that warming up before the individual race was just to play with bike’s pedals for 10 minutes, to wake up, but this was not true.
    Racers had been pedaling for 30 minutes and sweating all over, they were really working hard.

    Parting words from Kazakhstan Federation of cycling sport (General secretary Valentin Rekhert)

    The doctor offered ammonia spirit.

    The atmosphere was stressed, Vino wanted to give the result.

    The first stage of warming up was over and technicians were changing the bottle’s holder for the individual race.
    They were doing that by the way with 6 hands, everyone was concentrated.

    Sedun was checking the result personally.

    10 minutes more of warming up. Time was pressing.

    Time to start.

    Sanquer is clearing the way personally and sees Vino off to the start .

    Vino is on the start. The last evaluating glance at the route.

    Vino saddled up.

    Vino crossed himself before the battle.


    Let’s go!

    Everybody was expecting winning, but…
    Wind changed after lunch and everybody who started earlier got huge advantage.
    Cross-wind changed all plans for winning, efforts and hope.
    But anyway Vino is the best!!!

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